Thursday, May 11, 2006

Lenny's Leg

Chuck brought Lenny to the vet on Tuesday and got a good check-up. Dr. Koch says that he is doing well on his leg. (Chuck has been walking Lenny for HOURS each day since he's been out of school.) He still sits funny, kind of only on one half of his doggy fanny, but the vet was not concerned. Lenny is walking a LITTLE bit faster than he was, and not hopping anymore. In the mornings, though, you can tell he is really stiff and he holds his leg up a lot.

I had a very proud moment when Chuck told me about what happened when Dr. Koch was examining Lenny. The vet was doing something with his leg, and Lenny was on his back. Dr. Koch scratched his belly, which Lenny took as his cue to SAY CHEESE! Mr. Smarty-pants did a big smile, and the doctor was very impressed. He used to have a dog that said cheese too.

I couldn't go to the vet with them because our office had a surprise bridal shower for Rachel, a girl I work with. It was fun! There were even a few men there. We did a wedding word game and one of our Deans, who is kind of the grandma of the school of music, had some surprisingly R-rated answers! :)

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