Monday, May 15, 2006

Handsome Lenny

As promised, here are some pictures of Lenny with his cute new haircut. Chuck and I remembered the very first time we got his haircut - he was a big hairy dog when we brought him IN to the groomer, and he came out looking like this. We thought they gave us the wrong dog!

Maybe in the fall he'll grow his cute beard back. He can start it at Thanksgiving like Chuck does.

The big news here is that WE ARE GOING ON VACATION!!! The week of Memorial Day, Chuck and I will be in the great states of New Hampshire and Maine. This is a VERY slow time at work, and Chuck doesn't start classes until the middle of June, so it works out very nicely. We are excited to see my family and be back "home."

Speaking of home, the Nashua Symphony Orchestra just announced that their music director is stepping down, and his position is available! Chuck is going to apply.

The only bad news is that there is flooding going on right now over there, and it is supposed to rain all this week as well. Hopefully New Hampshire will still be there by the time we make it out there!

Did you hear about Bloomington's latest headline? Someone found a piece of human finger in their meal at our brand new T.G.I.Friday's restaurant, which is about a block away from our apartment.

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