Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Well, we had a lovely weekend in Toledo, and I have some pictures to share, but they're still stuck on my cell phone. June helped me finish my first "knit" project - a red shirt! We also celebrated Chuck's birthday (which was Tuesday!) at his sister's house.

Since I'm so behind on pictures, here are some from our camping adventure the last weekend of April. As you can see, Lenny has a new summer hairdo, minus his usual beard and eyebrows. He has been chewing his feet apart lately from his allergies and the haircut hasn't helped much yet. But he's back at the vet today for a checkup.

Charles used his hatchet, which I thought was very scary, and made a lovely fire. Unfortunately, I only have a picture of the sticks, and not the fire. It got a little colder than we expected at night, and we forgot to bring a blanket for Lenny. He decided to snuggle into my sleeping bag, which was a little too snuggly for comfort. Nobody slept well that night. Lenny was a big chicken and all of the forest sounds scared him.

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