We have arrived!
Which one should I wear?
Just a few Godivas before the big evening. Have to keep our strength up!
How does my hair look?
Thelma and Louise arrive at the BIG HOUSE!!
Do we HAVE to behave?
Marlene and Robb Thomson (NH Bush Co-chair)
Thelma poses after just entering the White House.
Lighthouse in first entrance hallway. This year's theme - our National Parks.
The Grand Floor Corridor.
Ground Floor Corridor where previous White House Christmas cards are displayed.
Thelma and Kim Thomson seated in the Theater which is used as a coat check room.
Thelma seated in 1st floor Vermeil Room (features portraits of First Ladies) waiting her turn to go into the ladies room to steal all the hand towels.
Fresh amaryllis centerpiece in Vermeil Room.
Stairway to second floor. At the top of the stairs, East Room is to the left, Entrance Hall is to the left.
The "President's Own" Marine band playing Christmas selections in the 2nd floor Entrance Hall.
Louise seated in the Red Room. (Are we allowed to sit on the furniture??)
Thelma approaches the banquet table in the State Dining Room.
One of the pastry chefs in the State Dining Room. The tiered dessert is all browned marshmallows - something you'd eat around the campfire in one of the National Parks.
Portrait of Lincoln over the fireplace in the State Dining Room. (Is that Gladys?)
The Gingerbread House this year was white chocolate instead of gingerbread. They must have known we're all about chocolate!
Thelma in front of one of the fireplaces in the East Room.
Thelma seated in the Green Room.
Thelma and Louise in front of the Christmas Tree in the Blue Room. All the hand-painted ornaments were from each of the states.
Louise with Charlie Weiss (Notre Dame football coach). What do he and President Bush have in common? They both should be out of a job next January.
Thelma in the Cross Hall outside the Blue Room.
In the Cross Hall, looking towards the East Room. The State Dining Room is at the opposite end of the Cross Hall.
Another fresh amaryllis arrangement.
Thelma taking a picture of Louise taking a picture of Thelma.
Banquet table in East Room with Nativity scene (blue background).
One of the pastry tables in the East Room.
More goodies in the East Room. Check out that silver bowl of shrimp!!
Banquet table in East Room.
Louise with good friend Jason Recher. Jason is in charge of all travel details for the President.
Louise seated in the Cross Hall ... behaving.
Louise and Robb Thomson under the Presidential Seal in the Cross Hall leading into the Blue Room.
Thelma and Louise with one of the Military Aides from the Coast Guard.
Stairway to the family quarters. Thelma tried to sneak up but the coffee lady stopped her.
The Devil wears Prada.
Thelma and Louise "livin' large"!!
Thelma and Louise take a moment to dine with Matt before heading home ... back to reality.
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