Monday, April 23, 2007

Student Conductors Concert

Charles had his final concert at IU on Sunday night. The student conductors conducted the University Orchestra, and Chuck conducted the Prometheus Overture by Beethoven.

This is Chuck with his friend and colleague Lawrence. Lawrence is one of my favorite people in Chuck's studio.

This is Chuck with Tom, the coordinator for all of the orchestras at IU. He has been very supportive of Chuck throughout his three years here.

This is Chuck with Andy, one of the doctoral students. He conducted the doctoral dissertation piece, which is usually what Chuck gets assigned. (Chuck was glad to have Beethoven, though the dissertation piece was pretty cool.)

This is Chuck and the wonderful Mr. Baldner. He is one of Chuck's teachers and has been wonderful to him from Day 1. And Day 1 began back when Chuck was a senior at Ohio State. He emailed some conducting professors to ask for advice on graduate school, and Mr. Baldner emailed his phone number to him. They chatted for an hour!

Our friends Gaye and Rob came to the concert to support Chuck, and we all had ice cream afterwards to celebrate.

Here is Chuck with his conducting buddies, Ben, Andy, and David. David went to BU for his undergrad, but it was after I was there.

And finally, Maestro Baldner with the young Maestros, including Chuck's good friend Thomas.

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