Well, last week was Spring Break and I am embarrassed at how long it has been since I have last blogged. So much news!

CHLOE won Project Runway! So much for my prediction, but she was my favorite designer throughout the whole competition, so I was pleased that she won. Now I have to suffer through a whole year until Season 3 comes out.

My sister came out to visit for three days last week. We had so much fun! We did watch a lot of Project Runway, in addition to other fun activities, and Annie made her first sewing project - a pillowcase. We also went to Japanese Steakhouse - Chuck's favorite - and Annie got to meet all of the other conductors. Thanks for coming out to visit Annie! We miss you already!
I had to go in to work a few days last week, even though the office was officially closed, but not for too long. I got to sleep in most days. I also FINALLY finished the superhero doll clothes I have been making for my niece and nephews for two months. I also made a cute little doll tuxedo like Uncle Chuck would wear conducting (with a toothpick for a baton), and few other little outfits. It was fun! Annie and I also went to Jo-Ann Fabrics and picked out some fun fabrics for me to make her some more scrubs, so I have another project to work on now.
Chuck had most of the week off. His youth orchestra had an invitational event on Tuesday with other local youth orchestras in the Columbus area that seemed to be a success. He also has been preparing for his next concert, this coming Sunday! It will feature Ewazen's "Shadowcatcher" for Brass Quintet and orchestra, and Leonard Bernstein's "On the Town" Dances. We are lucky that Chuck's parents will be visiting for the concert, as well as my best friend Jen!!
Speaking of Jen, she has started her own beautiful blog about her new married life, which you can check out at
And now...the big LENNY UPDATE!

Lenny was dopey even after we stopped the heavy drugs - it took a few days for them to get out of his system. I was a little concerned because he was a little bit behind schedule in terms of testing out his leg and beginning "toe-touching." But once Annie arrived, he wanted to show off and started using his leg a lot. He even took a few steps on it when Annie would take him for walks. He is definitely improving. Here were the other signs that he is getting back to his usual self:
1) He gets up immediately when he hears his breakfast being poured in his bowl.
2) He rifled through the bathroom trash can and scattered kleenex everywhere.
3) We came home and found him curled up on one of our chairs. We don't know how he jumped up on to it.
4) He got into Annie's bookbag (she didn't know he could do zippers) and ate her gum and breath mints. But it didn't help anything - he still has doggie breath.
Well, that's all for now. Work is actually getting busy again, so I may not have as much time to blog in the next few weeks. It's nice to have something to do rather than sitting around bored. Registration has begun for the Summer and Fall semesters, so I am processing a lot of paperwork and fielding a lot of questions.