Wednesday, February 08, 2006

How stupid is this?

Yesterday was a really crappy day.

The flute professor came in to the office and announced that she had “messed things up.” Thinking that she was having some sort of faculty paperwork problem, I asked her how I could help her. It turns out that one of her doctoral students, who has never been my favorite person to begin with, was rather put off that SHE wasn’t playing principal flute for the Bloomington Camerata concert and I was. So she whined to her teacher, who then came and asked me if I wouldn’t mind playing a different part. I couldn’t believe how unprofessional BOTH of them were. I could care less about playing principal – I don’t need the ego boost – but I was really irritated that they did this, after the music was distributed and I’ve been talking with the orchestra personnel manager and everything else. So regardless of the answer I gave, I think I would end up looking bad. If I made a big fuss about it, I’d be as unprofessional as the two of them, but now it looks to the personnel manager like I was “bumped” for someone else, like I wasn’t good enough to play principal. VERY IRRITATING!!!

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