My mother-in-law has reminded me that I am woefully behind in my blogging! Not the best way to kick off the new year - I apologize! Things were very busy over the holiday break and I have lots of fun pictures to share with everyone.
On December 17 we went to Jen Miller's wedding! It was so beautiful!! It was wonderful to see her and Alex so happy, and we had a great time seeing old friends. I made my own shirt to wear to the wedding - it was the first article of clothing that I've made for myself and actually worn in public! (Except of course for the Sleeping Beauty dress.)

We stayed with Chuck's grandmother Bubs, along with Amy, Greg, Ben, Andy, and Molly. It was a full house! On the 18th we celebrated Christmas with Chuck's side of the family. It was a lot of fun. I even got to be the first wear-er of the new Latshaw Birthday Hat.

So after all that fun, we had to go back to Bloomington so I could spend three more very boring days at work. Then we took off for New Hampshire! The 18-hour drive went pretty quickly. It felt so good to be back. We spent Christmas and a lot of the time there up at the new lake house. My sister came up for several days and we also got to see her boyfriend John. They went skiing with Chuck one day. We went to Boston one night, visited Chuck's old conducting teacher, and got a lot of relaxing in too. Chuck also got his professional headshots done while we were there - I can't wait to post THOSE on the blog once they arrive!
On January 1, Lenny and I started to drive back to Bloomington. We spent a night in a Holiday Inn in Buffalo, NY, and arrived at home in time to see the second half of the Buckeye victory in the bowl game! Chuck stayed behind and took the train to NYC for a conductor's conference. He got to go to the Metropolitan Opera twice while he was there. Meanwhile, I had to start back to work at the School of Music. He shaved the beard off for Christmas, but he's sticking with the vegetarianism still.
Classes started this week and things have been very hectic in the office. Things should quiet down soon, but I am pretty tired and am looking forward to this three-day weekend. This afternoon I got asked to sub last-minute for the IU Philharmonic Orchestra, so I went in "cold" and sight-read Shostakovitch 12 (principal flute!). It was a little scary because Chuck's teacher Mr. Effron was conducting - he's got a reputation for not being the nicest conductor in the world. It went fine though, and it was nice to play in the orchestra.
Chuck is getting ready for his master's recital on January 26. He'll be conducting Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet, Suite #2. He's also got TWO ad hoc orchestra concerts this semester - one on Sunday, Feb.19, and one on Sunday, March 26. Hopefully the new year and the new semester will bring good things!