Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My boss cut this out of the newspaper for me - it's from a comic strip called "Moderately Confused."

The next training race in the series, the 10K, is coming up this weekend! I am still in the walking/recovery phase after pulling my muscle, so I'm not sure I'll be able to do it, but I'm definitely going to try. I'm a little stressed out about it.

I got my new running shoes. As you can see, they are blue and MUCH cuter than my old orange ones. And cuteness is what's most important in a running shoe, right?

I got a nice thank-you letter in the mail from the Obama campaign for my little bit of volunteering in New Hampshire over Christmas. This weekend, I am driving out to Columbus, Ohio (after the 10K) to help get out the vote! It will be a short trip, but I will get to see my friend Jen. I have also started volunteering about 6 hours a week for the local Obama campaign. So far I have sliced paper forms and made lots of buttons. I prefer the easy stuff to knocking on doors. :)

1 comment:

The Stoycheffs said...

Your new shoes are pretty...I hope they are strong to carry you that long 10K distance!!

Good luck!