Friday, May 02, 2008

The Empire Strikes Barack

This guy is a genius. And he keeps using my favorite movies!

1 comment:

erin said...

Hi, I'm finally getting a chance to check out your blog (it's so hard keeping up with everyone!). Somehow I had a hunch that you were an Obama supporter back during the Wisconsin primaries when you had Lenny tell Keeley to remind me to vote. I was correct! Very funny video; thanks for sharing that. (FYI, both Keeley's grandma and I did vote for Obama.)
On a different topic, Keeley has been extremely itchy for the past couple of weeks. His new vet says that he's at the age where he could be developing allergies. All I'm going for him so far is doubling his fish oil and stopping him from licking his legs everytime I catch him in the act. Do you have any advice about what else I could do to help him? Have you noticed any triggers for Lenny's allergies? Other than it being Springtime? Should I start washing his bedding more frequently or anything like that?
Hope you have a good weekend!