Tuesday, December 04, 2007

PLEASE HELP - for Lenny's sake

WARNING: This blog post contains some gruesome, disturbing images involving animal cruelty.

You all know how much Lenny means to me and Chuck. We joke that he is our "fur-kid," but we love him and can't imagine our lives without him.

When we decided to get a dog, we knew that we wanted a wire fox terrier. We adopted Lenny when he was 5 years old. His owner was an older lady who could no longer take care of him, and loved him enough to give him a second chance with us.

This is a story about some fox terriers who didn't get a second chance, and some who did, and we can help them!

On Feb. 22, 2008 Marc-Andre Laporte will be sentenced for his conviction on two counts of animal cruelty.

Click here to watch a short video of the Montreal news story.

His conviction stems from the discovery of 97 neglected wire fox terriers in his Montreal puppy mill, in the most gruesome imaginable conditions. About 40 of the dogs had to be euthanized.

40 fox terriers, just like Lenny, dead.

The SPCA posted a website with some pictures of the dogs they were able to rescue and eventually place into foster care. These pictures are very disturbing. I still can't look at them without getting sick to my stomach.

At his sentencing, the judge is also going to consider Mr. Laporte's request for the return of some of the dogs.

Please consider taking two minutes and signing the online petition to Judge Jean Sirois. It will be printed and distributed to the media before Mr. Laporte's sentencing. (Unfortunately it is illegal in Canada to hand petitions to the court.) The dogs should be allowed to live out their lives in safety, health, and happiness, and out of the hands of this cruel man.


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