Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Obama and Clinton

If you don't want to read any political commentary (I'm trying to limit it on my blog) don't read any further - come back later! :)

I'm hoping to do a little bit of volunteer work for Barack Obama while Chuck and I are in NH for Christmas this year. I am excited to be interested in the political process again, and very passionate about my support for Obama!

The latest poll out today shows that the top 3 candidates are still in a 3-way statistical dead heat in Iowa, but Obama's on top and his lead is increasing. Hillary's apparently getting nervous, and I read this comparison in an article in the L.A. Times:

"If you remember the phrase used at the beginning of the Iraq war -- 'shock and awe' -- that's the way her campaign is approaching this apparent threat," said Dennis Goldford, politics professor at Drake University in Des Moines. "They're just trying to hit it with an overwhelming response. In politics, appearance is reality, and they don't want the perception to get out that she's slipping or is weak or could well lose this. So what they'll be trying to do is head that off as quickly as possible."

I find the Iraq comparison interesting and ironic.

I really have a problem with Hillary, and this is why: She is running on her husband's experience. Serving as First Lady ("my years in the White House") is not the same as serving as President, Vice President, Secretary of State, or anything else. I can understand that she was one of his advisors, perhaps, but then she should release her First Lady papers from the Presidential Library archives so we can see how she helped him.

I'm married to a very good conductor. Does that qualify me to go lead the New York Philharmonic in concert? I know more about the conducting world than the average person, and yes, I'm a musician, but I would be a TERRIBLE conductor. I would be waving my arms and pretending. That doesn't mean that I am any less intelligent or talented or likeable or anything else - I'm just not qualified for that position by virtue of being married to the man in it.

I'm not trying to insult Hillary - there's no doubt that she's a very intelligent woman and a capable Senator. She is just not entitled to be president.

I want a woman president. But she has to be the right woman for the job. Someone who has earned the privilege of leading our country, not by marrying into the job. To me, that would diminish the achievement.

I also don't buy the argument that Democrats should support her because she is the only one who can win against the Republicans, and that she is the inevitable nominee. First of all, I really doubt that she can win in the general election. Second of all, if all the Democrats jumped off a bridge, would you jump off a bridge after them? Third, my future brother-in-law John made a very good point to me a while back about Hillary. What our country needs now is someone who can unite the people of the nation. Is there anyone more divisive between Democrats and Republicans than Hillary?

It might also be helpful if she would take positions on important issues. She has a lot of feel-good phrases that she throws out in debates, and is very well-spoken, but she just doesn't SAY anything new or unique. I watch all of the debates. I have listened. Nothing. It also really irritated me that her campaign (and husband) complained about all the boys picking on her in the debate 2 weeks ago. She was not a victim - she just had a crappy debate, and got caught in one of her own waffles.

If you love Hillary, please feel free to leave a comment and tell me why.

So I am also going to do a post about all the reasons I am supporting Obama - coming soon! (If you're still waiting for more Lenny clips, I don't have any yet.) But if you have read all the way through my political rant, you deserve something fun - this is a campaign commercial by Mike Huckabee that I find very amusing. I hope you enjoy it.


lovemily88 said...

holy shizz, that video is awesome!

as far as the hilary-obama standoff, she's too slick, he's inexperienced - i think only time will tell. i just wish they would become running mates!

Anonymous said...

I never liked BILL Clinton, but he was kind of slick and "good 'ole boyish" with the world leaders and they liked that. The country did well...I don't think that means anything for his wife though, unless she was in charge of more than we knew. I don't think world leaders will even respect her if they know some of the stories about her husband...he seems like a guy who bought booze and girls for the other dignitaries when he was on a trip. I'm all for women's advancement and all, but I think it has to be the right woman, not just any woman.

But I don't really get a lot of good vibes about the republicans, so I hope Obama is on the ticket. I think America is getting tired of career politicians who "play the game" and are unwilling to actually come up with solutions that are any kind of compromise, especially lately. He seems to be that man. Who knows...
