Friday, August 03, 2007

Off to the Races

In the spirit of the Games, Chuck and I wore Team Latshaw t-shirts.

As our team captain, Lenny wore his Team Latshaw handkerchief to match us.

We decided to wear them on the first day of competition. The two Russell teams competing that day got extremely intimidated and immediately had to go change their outfits. So everyone came up with matching team t-shirts.

Mom and Dad came up with matching Red Sox shirts.

Gary and Marlene had Washington & Lee football shirts (the team that Scott plays for).

The first event was relay kayak racing. The goal was to paddle out to and around the buoy, back to the dock where you jumped out, your partner jumped in, and did the same trip around the buoy. First team back to the dock won.

Some athletes competed more earnestly than others. (And may I add, some CHEATED and splashed more than others!)

It was a little unclear - this was the "Slow" Olympics, but this was a time-trial kind of race. How would the winner be determined?

Chuck won the honor. In the course of trying to cut to the inside past the buoy, he capsized, and thus proved himself worthy of the gold medal.

If you click on the picture below, you will get a slide-show of some more pictures from the kayak racing day.

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