Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Birthday Boys

The reason the Olympics were held that week in July was because it coincided with several important birthdays in the family.


My Dad turned 55! He is officially eligible for the Senior Discount at Wendy's.
Gary and Marlene brought him a very special cake - his favorite kind - yellow cake with no frosting.

We got a little crazy when we got Dad his gift - we bought him an iPod Nano, and loaded it up with music for him!

Could he handle this technology?

He has mastered his new RAZR phone (even Call Waiting now!), so we were confident he could use iTunes and his iPod. He is a Titan of Technology - a Wizard of the Web!

The only problem came when he and I went running together with our iPods. My iPod said we ran 4.25 miles, but his said we ran 3.75 miles. D'oh! I think we both have to calibrate them. I'm going to believe mine for now.


My Uncle Gary turned 65! Wow! His birthday gift was an Old Man Outfit - seersucker shorts, this lovely shirt, and a white belt.

He wore the shirt proudly for the golfing Olympic event.


Lenny turned 9 on my dad's birthday - talk about an old man! That's about Uncle Gary's age in dog years. I think Lenny needs a Hawaiian shirt.

Lenny partied a little bit too hard for his birthday. He thinks he's still a puppy, but his age catches up with him.


Mary Ann said...

Happy Birthday to all. Looks like you all had a great Olympic Celebration too! I can't believe your dad likes his cake with no frosting!!!! That's the best part in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Your entry is sooooo funny!