Friday, August 11, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to both my sister Annie and Chuck's dad George! They celebrated their birthdays yesterday. I hope George got to wear the special Latshaw birthday hat.

Chuck and I both visited the dentist on Wednesday. Of course Mr. Perfect Teeth had no cavities (he never has) but I have a small one. I also got my eyes checked the same day and I am going back to order my glasses this weekend. So I had a really super fantastic week.

But Thursday was a little more fun. It was the annual School of Music staff outing to the Indiana State Fair. We went specifically on Thursday because it was "IU Day" at the fair. However, it rained about 70% of the day, so we spent most of our time wandering around the animal barns.

We saw the latest in sheep fashion.

We also enjoyed the finest in fair cuisine.

This weekend my friend Amanda is moving into her new house so we are going to visit it tonight. Tomorrow morning is my glasses adventure. Monday, Chuck's interview is scheduled with the Pacific Symphony VP of Education!

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