Monday, February 20, 2006

Ad hoc weekend

We had a busy weekend. Friday night we had a lovely dinner at a Turkish restaurant (I survived!) with our friends Peter and Lissie, both flutists. It was a fun place where you sit on the floor around the table. Saturday was busy for me - three rehearsals! The ad hoc rehearsal went much better than the first one on Thursday night had. The concert was a success on Sunday morning, and the pizza and set up and all of the other little details went very smoothly. There was even a good audience, which is very rare for an ad hoc concert. Chuck did a great job (he got two "Bravo!s" after the Egmont overture) and Jose, the violin soloist, was amazing. We also went to our friend Eliza's viola recital on Saturday afternoon, and then I was off to yet another rehearsal.

Saturday evening I did nothing but watch episodes of Project Runway - Season 1! I finally tracked down the DVDs. So now I'm halfway through that season and I keep getting confused between the characters of the two seasons. I definitely think Season 2 is more interesting. Unfortunately, this week's new episode is going to be a "reunion special" - boring!

Lenny has gone through another shots cycle without needing steroids - he's now made it three whole weeks without needing extra medication! He had an exciting weekend because we had a lot of people in and out of our apartment. He's been improving on "stay down" and keeping his paws off of people when we have guests over. He hasn't actually jumped in the air out of excitement in a while.

One of the people who came over late on Saturday night was our friend Jack (who interviewed with Powell Flutes earlier this year). He called in a panic asking if I had a specific piece of flute music that he needed. He came over to pick it up and rushed over to Kinko's to fax it to someone who was performing it very shortly. When he came back, I asked him who needed the music so urgently. He said, "You probably won't believe me, but..." It was JAMES GALWAY. The most famous flutist on the planet, who happens to be Jack's friend, apparently. Sir James had emailed Jack that he needed this music, and Jack couldn't find it at his house, so he called me. And James Galway played off of my sheet music. That kind of makes me almost famous! Ha!

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