I hope that Slumdog Millionaire wins every award possible. The movie is so fantastic. I loved it.
And "Jai Ho" is my new favorite running song. Not that I have been running lately; too busy studying and trying to get my 40 work hours in.
I'm cheering for WALL-E, too.
I'm not sure I'll actually get to see most of the Oscars because I will be in Maine this weekend! Chuck is conducting the Portland Symphony Orchestra so I am going to visit my parents and then we will see one of the concerts, on Sunday.
A few quick updates:
Chemistry is kicking my butt. I love biology though. Over spring break, I get to spend a day shadowing at Lenny's vet hospital!
I found a therapy dog class to bring Lenny to. He turned into a wire fox "terror" the moment we stepped in the door and he saw all of the other dogs. They weren't supposed to interact with each other and he just wanted to say hello. He went bonkers trying to sniff everyone. He knows HOW to do everything he's supposed to do, but he was too excited. He also took a dump the moment we stepped through the door. A great first impression. We'll go back a week from Monday and try again.
Chuck is busy making cheese and he has had a few successes, though most are very mild. He's been a little stressed out lately about work stuff. We had a successful Valentine's Day concert with the BSO, but it was a logistical nightmare. And his office is getting moved to a different building this weekend, among other things.
We had a fabulous trip to Florida but I don't have any pictures yet. It was great seeing Grumpy and Christel, though we were delayed by almost a full day getting there. Indiana actually had an honest to goodness snowstorm - a foot or more. IU cancelled classes for the first time in 30 years. But we made it to the airport fine. The roads were horrible (they don't understand the concept of plowing here) but Chuck drove very slowly and carefully. Our flight said it was on time, and we got through security very quickly. A few minutes after we got to the gate, they made an announcement that the de-icing truck had CRASHED and Southwest had no de-icer fluid, and all of the Southwest flights that morning were cancelled. That got extended to 4:30 p.m. We managed to get on a 5:30 flight, and luckily made it out. We had a great time once we actually got there! Sea World was really fun and it was great to spend time with my family.