On August 31st, Chuck, Jen and I ran the Spirit of Columbus half-marathon! I was doing a combination of running and walking, since I was not as prepared as I had been for the race in Indy. Plus, the pressure was off because I had already proven to myself that I could do it! Speedy Jen finished a whole hour before I did, and Chuck was close behind her, matching his previous time from the IU Mini two years ago. And I broke 3 hours! I finished in 2:59:24! So apparently I can walk faster than I can run, because my Indy time was 3:11:48. In the last 100 yards, I beat out the lady using a walker. No kidding.

I had a couple of Oreos for my dad. Back when he ran the Boston Marathon course, I was his Gatorade/Oreo supplier every three miles.

Besides seeing
Jen and Alex and JD and his girlfriend Ashley, and seeing Chuck's grandmother Bubs, the other highlight of the trip was going to see the Buckeyes! Jen was able to get us tickets because it was the Alumni Band weekend, when they do "Quad Script Ohio." (THANK YOU JEN!!!)

We were in the second-to-last row in C deck and we had a great view of the field.
A fantastic weekend!